Organic Chemistry
Fall 2009
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Chem 125 lecture videos, transcripts,
and other material from Fall 2008 are available by clicking here
(Open Yale Courses)
The videos only are mirrored here
Click to go to Spring Semester
Material for First Quarter of the Fall Semester 2009
Material for Second Quarter of the Fall Semester 2009
Material for Third Quarter of the Fall Semester 2009
Samuel Pepys and Isaac Newton - How might they do in Chem 125?
Note the Problems (Due Monday, 9/6/09)
You may work in groups of up to 6 to prepare a group hard copy or e-mail submission (with the names of all participants on it).
Lecture 2 (9/4/09) Viewing InstructionsDealing
with Graphs - Lesson 1
on multidimensional plotting
don't need to turn the
problems in, but you should know how to do them)
answer key
Group Table
Atoms with Clairvoyance (relevant, but not assigned reading)
skeptical that Crookes really believed in psychic pheomena, click here
(also not assigned, just for the curious)
web page
Also a humorous question
related to the smallness
of atoms
It will be VERY helpful to read ahead on the x-ray page
Lecture 5 (9/12/08)
ppt) (2009 audio file wma)
and/or (2008 mov)
(AFM with
CO, light
and seeing by wave
interference, x-ray diffraction, molecular and lattice
diffraction )
Diffraction examples from laser demonstration
Notice the "What is the line spacing?" question within ppt frame 34. You should work out an answer, so you are confident of understanding.
6 (9/14/09)
ppt) (2009 audio file wma)
and/or (2008 mov)
molecular and lattice
diffraction, Franklin's DNA photo; e-density maps, difference
maps and bonding)
Leiserowitz on his Triene (Transcript 16K)
Leiserowitz Quicktime Movie
(160 x 120, 5.6 Meg) or (240
x 180, 10.3 Meg)
Eugene will demonstrate the use of Erwin Meets Goldilocks at the Thursday discussion section. This program will help you develop a quantum mechanical intuition. You will be doing the relevant problem set in self-selected groups. Be sure that at least one representative from your group (or someone else who is willing to help you) attends the demonstration session. Bring your laptop to the session. It would help if you download the Applet ahead of time. | ![]()
thanks to Yoonjoo Lee |
Chladni Figure Short Movie (Quicktime - 3MB)
4 Chladni Figures (Quicktime - 9.5 MB)
Quantum Mechanics V: H-like Atoms & problem set
for Wednesday, September 25 :
If you
are have difficulty with why r2 is
sometimes used to multiply Ψ2
discussing electron distribution,
you might try these optional
problems from a previous year and discuss them with friends
or TAs.
Sample questions for first hour exam
Sample Quantum Mechanics Questions (PDF)
Sample questions on Early Topics (PDF)
First Hour Exam 2009 (pdf) First Hour Exam 2009 Answer Key(pdf)The
first exam papers will be returned in class on Monday, 9/28/09 (or the
Sunday evening by Peer Tutors). Scores are
available via Post'em. The class average was very good (77) with 1/3 of the scores greater than 79 and 2/3 of the scores greater than 74. Congratulations, you seem to be learning a lot! You can check your own points, both by question and total, using Post'em on ClassesV2. If you have questions about the grading, consult the answer key (above) first, and then speak to the grader of the relevant question (1-4, Douglass; 5 and 7, Jordan; 6 and 8-9, McBride). The "letter grades" posted are of course almost insignificant, because they represent such a small, preliminary portion of the grading for the semester. But the course content is cumulative, so it can be helpful to see where you stand thus far, and whether it is important to be sure you're not falling behind. There is plenty of help available from the teaching staff. 5/6 of the semester scoring is still to come, so it's way too early either to despair or to become self-satisfied. The plot to the right from several years ago shows that the first exam score was not a great predictor of semester total. There is some correlation, but it is easy by working (or not) to move up (or down) by a letter grade. | ![]() |
Mechanics VIII-IX
(molecular orbitals; HOMOs and LUMOs for functional groups)
H-H Bonding
Overlap and Hybridization
Lecture 13
(Lecture 13 ppt)
(2009 Audio wma
(2008 mov)
Overlap & Hybridization, Overlap
& Energy, Newton's Grail;
Energy-Match, H2 vs. HF, hybridization &
Lecture 14
(Lecture 14 ppt)
(2009 Audio wma
1st 25 min only, sorry)
(2008 mov)
IR, ESR, CF3; Goals;
Bonds; BH3
local bonds)
XH3 (contact with reality)
an Example of an MO Computation & an Apology for Local Bonds
the pictures on this page are fun to look
at, but
worry too much about the verbal content,
unless you can't sleep because we use local bond analysis instead of
the MOs that computers find.
Lecture 15
(Lecture 15 ppt)
(2009 Audio wma)
(2008 mov)
(BH3 and
local bonds; Which
mixings are important?; Acid-Base Theory; What makes HOMO high, LUMO
low? B2H6)
Interactions, which ones count? (HOMO/LUMO)
Lecture 16
(Lecture 16 ppt)
(2009 Audio wma)
(2008 mov
& mov)
that we are now nearly a lecture ahead of last year's pace, hence two
2008 mov files)
LUMO; Acid-Base
- SN2 - E2 LUMO Analogies;
Make &
Break; N2H4
Functional Groups: Carbonyl I)
| |
| |
LUMO Analogies (elimination
from C2H5X)
Lecture 17
(Lecture 17 ppt)
(2009 Audio wma)
(2008 mov
& mov)
Functional Groups: carbonyl-Buergi-Dunitz, amide, carboxylic acid,
C-metal bond, How
Did They Know?)
Note: the last half-hour of the wma recording (beginning at 57:30) contains the optional after-class demonstration of Spartan in which MOs of an enol were calculated and compared with class-member predictions. After the END frame of the Lecture 17 ppt, there is a supplementary timed ppt showing some screen shots from the demonstration. This is optional, not required reading/listening, but it may help to make the computer's contribution less vague.
Intramolecular HOMO/LUMO mixing and
"Electron-Deficient" "Y" Bonds
& (CH3Li)4
•4 OMe2]
History (how humans actually learned about organic chemistry)
Why we study chemical history (DO READ THIS & the others)Lecture 19
(Lecture 19 ppt)
Audio wma)
(2008 mov)
Analysis & Bookkeeping; Dalton: Atoms &
Berzelius: Symbols & Analysis)
NOTE: This lecture will be covered on subsequent exams, not this exam. Concentrate on quantum mechanics (and Lect 18).
Lavoisier & the Chemical Revolution: Analysis(14 Questions for Wednesday, Oct 21, indicated by * below (you may work in groups)
Portrait (we discuss the problem re. Fig. 10 in class, you need not turn it in)Material
for 3rd Quarter of First Semester 2009 (Note
above, due Oct 21)
Lecture 20 (10/21/09) Combustion Analysis
Lavoisier/Prout/Liebig/Dumas (1788-1841) Note: problems for Monday,
October 26
(on web pages with red
years 1828 and 1832 below) Liebig's Kaliapparat and
the etymology of
K and Na (1831) 1828-1851 Isomerism
(Lecture 20 ppt)
(2009 Audio wmv)
or (2008 mov)
Volumes; Mitscherlich
As/P ratio; Berzelius: Analysis, Electrolysis
& Dualism; Woehler & Urea; Isomerism)
Distillation and the
Condenser (1771)
Radical (Dualistic) vs.
Type (Unitary, Substitution) Theory
Urea Paper (1828) (analysis
and isomerism preview)
Berzelius Coins the Term Isomeric
Liebig, Isomerism, & Organic Chemistry (1830-35)
Discovery of
Benzoyl Radical (1832) (by
Dumas's Panegyric on the
Theory (1837)
Berzelius on Dumas
Theory (1838)
Simple Alkane Etymology
Spoof of the Type
Theory (1840)
Views of Organic Chemistry (~1851)
Lecture 21 (10/23/09)
21 ppt now downloads zipped folder including movie of Liebig's Invention for frame 6) (2009 Audio wmv)
(2008 mov)
Analysis; Radical
Theory; Addition and Substitution Reaction Mechanisms)
Lecture 22 (10/26/09)
(Lecture 22 ppt)
(2009 Audio wmv) or (2008 mov)
(Type Theory; Valence: Couper, Structure; Kekulé,
"Nature and Sequence of Bonds"
On a New Chemical Theory
Kirkintilloch Movie (11Mb)
on the Superiority of his Sausage Formulae
Other Molecular Diagrams
and Models
(mid 1860s)
Cannizzaro, the
on Models (1872)
Lecture 23 (10/28/09) Note
for Friday on Frame 21
(Lecture 23 ppt ) (2009 Audio wmv) or (mov)
(Notation, Models, Counting Isomers)
isomer counting problem on frame of Lecture 23 should be done for
Friday, but I said Monday in Lecture, so if you want to be late, it's
"Arrangement of Atoms in Space"
Koerner Proves 6-fold
Symmetry of
Benzene (1869)
Carbons (1869)
Lecture 24 (10/30/09)
(Lecture 24 ppt ) (2009 Audio wmv) or
(2008 mov)
( Koerner's Benzene Proof, Paterno's tetrahedral carbon)
Lieben to
Paternó on Atoms
in Space (1869)
Lecture 25 (11/2/09)
(Lecture 25 ppt ) (2009 Audio wmv - sorry, only first 20 min) or
(2008 mov)
Structure - van't
Hoff vs.
Ladenburg; Carvone/Tartaric Acid Isomerism; Pasteur, van't Hoff)
van't Hoff's Tetrahedral
(configuration) (1875)
Criticism of van't Hoff
Teacher, a Later-Day Kolbe?
Lecture 26 (11/4/09)
(Lecture 26 ppt ) (2009 Audio wmv) (2008 mov)
Tetrahedral C; Coordinate Transformation; Alkenes & Allenes;
& Alice; Chirality;
Stereochemistry; Notation)
Lecture 27 (11/6/09)
(Lecture 27 ppt) (2009 Audio wmv) (2008 mov)
Configurational Isomers; Systematic
Nomenclature for Constitution; Fischer's Ambiguous DL Nomenclature for Configuration)
Problem for Monday (based on frames 17-18 of Lecture 27)
1927 P. A. Levene et al. used reaction with HI to convert
butane-1,3-diol into 4-iodobutane-2-ol and thus related their
stereochemical configurations. In 1952 young K. B. Wiberg worried
that an alternative mechanism for this conversion might invalidate
Levene's conclusion. Use HOMO-LUMO analysis for possible
reactions to see what worried Wiberg. At each reaction step
consider alternative possibilities for reaction. (You may work in
groups on this problem.)
Nomenclature Drill (Yale only)
Hour Exam 2004 (pdf) 3rd
Hour Exam 2004 Answer Key (pdf)
Old Third
Exams for Practice :
Note - we are
ahead of the pace for several previous years and very slightly ahead of
last year,
so different
material covered in some of the earlier exams will be relevant this
3rd Hour Exam
2003 (pdf) ...3rd
Hour Exam 2003 Answer Key (pdf)
Hour Exam 2006 (pdf)
Hour Exam 2006 Answer Key (pdf)
Hour Exam 2007 (pdf)
Sorry, no answer key
(even earlier exams available in the table below)
exam will be offered 10:15-11:15
in 111 SCL and 10:30-11:30
in 160
Hour Exam 2008 (pdf)
Hour Exam 2008 Answer Key (pdf)
Exam Score Statistics 2009 Mean 1/3 of scores > 2/3 of scores > 3rd Exam 81.2 85 77 Sum of 3 Exams + 15 Wikis 268.8 276 258
Hour Exam 2009 (pdf)
3rd Hour Exam 2009 answer key (pdf)
4th Quarter of Fall Semester 2007
Lecture 28 (11/9/09) Prof. K. B. Wiberg guest lecture
(2009 mov or mp4) (2009 audio wma) (2008 Laurence D. Barron on Optical Rotation mov)
describes some of his contributions to classical configuration
correlation and the calculation of optical rotatory strength)
Lecture 29 (11/13/09)
(2009 ppt frame 9 modified ~3 p.m.) (2009 audio wma) (2008 mov and mov)
(Systematic Nomenclature for Absolute Configuration - CIP; Resolution)
Chirality in the 8th
Century (note Problem for Monday)
Lecture 30 (11/16/09)
(2009 ppt) (2009 audio wma) (2008 mov)
( Resolution; Aldol ReactionWho Cares?; Enantiospecificity; Chiral Drugs; Stereo
Viewing; Esomeprazole: name and chirality)
this is optional, ask if you're interested)
Lecture 31 (11/18/09)
(2009 ppt) (2009 audio wma) (2008 mov and mov)
(Esomeprazole: Mode of Action, Chiral Switch, Clinicin Perspective, Litigation, Resolution)
Thalidomide/Ritalin Chiral Switch
Lecture 32 (11/20/09)
(2009 ppt) (2009 audio wma) (2008 mov and mov)
(Resolution & Chiral Synthesis,
Sharpless Allylic Oxidation; Omeprazole Mechanism; Conformation &
Energy; Newman Projection; Rotational Barrier from Heat Capacity)
Lecture 33 (11/30/09) 1885-
Conformation & "Strain"
(2009 ppt) (2009 audio wma) (2008 mov )
of Barrier; Stereotopicity and Toponomy; Baeyer Strain Theory: Sachse's
Rhetoric; Mohr's Drawings)
Topicity: Prochirality and
Sachse Identifies Conformational Isomers; Baeyer objects (1890-93)
Mohr Vindicates Sachse (1918)
Lecture 34 (12/2/09)
(2009 ppt) (2009 audio wma) (2008 mov and end of mov)
Cyclohexane; Barton's Conformational Analysis; Ring Flips; Rotational
Barriers; Strain Energy and Molecular Mechanics)
Perspective Views of Cyclohexane
Lecture 35 (12/4/09)
(2009 ppt) (2009 audio MP3 N.B. this is an MP3 file because I had difficulty editing the wma. Tell me if you have trouble with it.) (2008 mov )
(Axial vs. Equatorial
Energy; Ring Relaxation; MM vs. Quantum; Generic Geometries and CSD; Energy Models)
Non-Spherical Bromine
Lecture 36 (12/7/09) Energy
(2009 ppt) (2009 audio wma) (2008 mov )
(Energy Models; Heat of Formation;
Average Bond Energies; deltaHatomCarbon, "effects" in ketone-enol equilibrium; Statistics and Equilibrium)
Choice of Zero and Chupka's Heat of Atomization of Carbon
Lecture 37 (12/9/09) Relevant websites: REMAINING REVIEW SESSIONS: Wednesday, Dec. 16, 8-10 PM (WLH 208) McBride Thursday, Dec. 17, 7-9 PM (WLH 211) Eugene and Peter
(2009 ppt) (2009 audio wma) (2008 mov )
(Statistics and Equilibrium; The
Chemical Bond; Leiserowitz on Hemozoin Crystals and Malaria)
- Maxwell to Bush (powerpoint) (marginal
& Disorder Riddle
This session was recorded. If you wish you can check anything that was said here
(though there may be more effective ways to spend your review time)
AM Friday, December 18 SPL 59 Previous
Fall Final Examinations: Note:
exams covered a
few more topics that we did not cover this year. You are
only for what was presented in lecture this year and for assigned
reading and
problems. 1999 First Semester Final
(pdf 128kB) and Answer
(pdf 68kB) 2000
First Semester Final Exam
(pdf 180kB) and Answer Key (pdf 48kB) 2001 First Semester Final
(pdf 180kB) and Answer
(pdf 220kB) 2002 First Semester Final
164kB) Answer
(pdf 192kB) 2003
First Semester Final Exam (pdf 380kB)
(sorry no answer key) 2004
First Semester Final Exam 2005
First Semester Final Exam (sorry no answer key) 2006
First Semester Final Exam
Answer Key
Supplemental information for above:
Resonance Structures
2008 First Semester Final Exam Answer Key
2009 First Semester Final Exam Answer Key
Question 12 ribosome movie
Material for First Quarter of the Fall Semester 2008
Material for Second Quarter of the Fall Semester 2008
Material for Third Quarter of the Fall Semester 2008
Material for Fourth Quarter of the Fall Semester 2008