Spring 2010
Text: Jones/Fleming, Organic Chemistry (4th Edition)
We will also rely on the Chem 125 webpage and on our Wiki at ClassesV2.
Prof. J. M.
McBride, 181 SCL, Phone 2-3926 (j.mcbride@yale.edu)
Office Hours: Thursday 1-2:30, or by appointment
Student TAs:
Eugene Douglass, CRB 119, Phone 203-432-8682 (eugene.douglass@yale.edu)
Jon Miller, CRB 309, Phone *** (j.miller@yale.edu)
Hayley Israel, Hayley.Israel@yale.edu
Andrew Moir, Andrew.Moir@yale.edu
Connie Wang, Connie.Wang@yale.edu
Alumni Advice
Alumni willing to talk briefly
TA Discussion Sections:
PM Monday in WLH 013 (Jon)
7-9 PM
Thursday in WLH 120 (Eugene)
(N.B. Different rooms M and Th)
8-10 PM
Sunday Bass Library L70 (Andrew, Connie, Hayley)
Contact TAs for other help sessions at times to be arranged. Such sessions are best when at least 3 students participate.
Exam Dates:
Wednesday, February 3 ; Friday, February 26 ; Monday, April 5
Final Friday May 7 (9 AM)
Course Grade: Based on 300 points for the three hour examinations, 300 points for the three-hour final examination, and 50 points for participation in the course Wiki. In borderline cases faithfulness in completing and submitting problem sets will be considered.
If you must miss an examination contact Prof. McBride as soon as possible to make alternative arrangements. If you can't reach him, contact a graduate student TA.