1) Double-click the downloaded ppt file to load Powerpoint.
2) Set the following options under Slide Show / Set Up Show... menu:
Show type - Browsed by and individual(window)
Advance slides - Using timings, if present
3) Adjust the size of the Powerpoint window by dragging the lower right corner to leave some room for the video window.
4) Select View Show from the Slide Show menu.
The show will freeze on the first slide, so you can note the words of the timing phrase near the bottom.
5) Go to the Open Yale Courses website and click on the Flash video (or Quicktime) link for the same class session (or click on mp3 for audio only).
6) Quickly reactivate the Powerpoint window by clicking on it.
7) Press the right-arrow key as the speaker finishes the last word of the timing phrase.
synchrony is subsequently lost, it may be restored by
pausing/restarting the video or by using the right/left arrow keys
while in the Powerpoint window. (N.B.
Pressing the arrow key during animation within a frame does not reset
the timing. It is reset only when the key is used to advance to a new